mithrendal (Mail)
Emulator: vAmigaWeb v3.0 beta1
vAmigaWeb is an Amiga emulator for the web browser or a Progressive Web App (PWA) based on the Amiga emulator for MacOS vAmiga.
With vAmigaWeb 3.0 a number of other CPUs are now implemented besides the 68000 CPU. So you can already run - without having implemented a MMU yet - quite a few more applications and software, like Dungeon Master II (1994) or demos that need at least a 68020 (Roots 2.0). Detailed changes:
- supports 68000, 68010, 68020 and 68030 CPUs (with this kickstart roms which need at least a 68020 are working now e.g. kickstart 3.1 for A1200)
- runs now also in a private / incognito browser window (be aware that browser does not permit any saving in this case)
- various performance tweaks (reduced logging and separation of big computational blocks into smaller execution units on the main thread to get better "cooperative" multitasking escpecially when amiga overclocking is in use)
[News message: 25. Sep. 2022, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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