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Business simulation: Unofficial update for Dynatech
Dynatech is an economic simulation game by Magic Bytes from 1993 for AGA-Amigas: raw materials and open spaces on Earth are exhausted, and the supply of mankind is to be secured through the discovery and development of alien planets. As the boss of "Dynatech", a gigantic corporation for the production of conveyor systems, building complexes and storage facilities, it is the player's task to get hold of transport orders and to enter the business with raw materials and refineries (taken from Amiga Games 11/92).

30 years after the release of this game, a user has now released an unofficial update that primarily transfers the German localization into English. Besides numerous minor bug fixes, however, the "Dynatech 30th Anniversary Edition" also fixes a problem with the AGA version of the game, which caused the original version to render with half the intended color precision bit depth. Likewise, the update features carefully redesigned graphics and user interface. (dr)

[News message: 22. Sep. 2022, 09:42] [Comments: 0]
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