Programming language: AmiBlitz 3.9.5
At the end of March the new major version 3.9.0 of the programming language AmiBlitz was released. Today a fifth update with bug fixes and minor enhancements has been released. Changes:
- fixed: some Requesters where shown on WB instead of IDEs own screen
- fixed: library "ab3pft.library" was tried to open before dynamic assignment was done
- fixed: deleting a line could crash PED
- fixed: minor display bug when updating line numbers
- fixed a cursordisplay bug when jumping to top or bottom of source
- improved: handling of double-click mouse event
- improved: requester showing compile errors
- changed: display color of line numbers
- fixed display problem on AmigaOS1.3: Error text of debugger was not readable as the text was drawn as white text on white backgroud
- added to repository: disassembled rundebuglib, inputoutputlib, runerrlib
[News message: 24. Aug. 2022, 21:06] [Comments: 0]
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