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Trevor's Amiga Blog: Start of production for 'A1222 Plus' board not set
10 months after his last entry Trevor Dickinson from A-EON Technology has published another article in his Trevor's Amiga Blog. We summarize what we think are the most important points for our readers:

  • Is again sponsoring the show on behalf of A-EON Technology and, unless prevented by international travel restrictions, will attend as part of a special combined AAA Technology/Amiga Kit/A-EON Technology exhibit booth
  • will be joined by Matthew Leaman and Ross from the UK, Laurent Zorawski and Franck Bednarski from France, and A-EON's Linux expert Christian Zigotzy from Germany
A1222 Plus
  • after a joint Skype meeting with Matthew Leaman and the ACube team, it was agreed that ACube would obtain final quotes for the early adopter series and oversee production and testing of the A1222Plus motherboards
  • it was agreed with ACube to double the initial production volume to achieve a lower price per unit
  • the factory that produced the prototype A1222Plus boards is committed until next year and another eligible company would have charged double the price. Two other manufacturers have been approached, but switching would increase lead times
ExecSG team
  • according to Steven Solie, head of the ExecSG team, the main focus has been to implement multicore support for AmigaOS 4 on the X5000. After testing on the X5000, it is planned to move on to the A1222 and X1000 platforms
  • in the meantime the A1222 and X5000 DMA engines have been completed. DMA tests have been performed with the generic CopyMem(), with mixed results. It is certain that any application that moves large amounts of data will benefit from using the DMA engines in the P50x0 and P1022 CPUs
  • it is planned to demonstrate multicore on the X5000 at Amiwest 2022

[News message: 25. Jul. 2022, 13:12] [Comments: 2 - 26. Jul. 2022, 10:37]
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