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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Scorpion Engine: Pre-versions of 'Spy Hunter', 'Wonder Boy' and 'GothicVania'
Spy Hunter is an arcade classic from Midway that is currently being converted for the Amiga with the help of the Scorpion Engine (video). The pre-release version currently available for download does not yet contain any sound effects or background music.

Ryuichi Nishizawa's 'Wonder Boy' (video) is also an arcade machine conversion: it is inspired by the first part of the Wonder Boy series, for the Amiga only the successor Wonderboy in Monsterland has been available so far. An older alpha version can be obtained from the developer's website.

'GothicVania' (video) is a 'tech demo' demonstrating the features and the AGA support of the Scorpion Engine and included in the latest version of the engine. Among other things, a triple parallax scrolling is presented. It is currently unclear whether the game will ever be developed into a complete game. (cg)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2022, 23:43] [Comments: 0]
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