Passione Amiga (ANF)
Italian Print/PDF magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 8
The Italian magazine 'Passione Amiga' is available in digital (3 Euro) or printed (7,50 Euro, Amazon) form. Its current issue consists of 36 color pages and includes the following topics:
- COVERDISK: World Premiere Playable Demo of SNAKY - The Mysterious World!
- Many videogames reviewed: Riamel Black Prophecy, Atarenium Falcon, Flappadiddle, Emotiworld, Blockman Gets, Mr Poo's Journey
- Collectibles: some useful tips
- Special: Ocean Software
- Interviews with: with Renee Cousins the vampire slayer and Luca Stradiotto
- And also: Games & Tech News, Demo scene, New Talents, Mailbox
[News message: 24. Jun. 2022, 06:04] [Comments: 0]
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