Amiga Future (Webseite)
AROS-Distribution: AROS One 1.7 (x86)
The distribution "AROS One" based on the AROS binary branch ABI v0 is now available in version 1.7 for x86 computers. It can be downloaded as a DVD ISO file or as a USB flash image under the title link, where also videos can be found.
- System
- HDToolBox Device (fixed ToolType options)
- Update Image WHDMenu
- Update Def_MIDI
- Update Def_CDXL
- Update Def_Icons Lua, AmiLua
- Update DirectoryOpus.CFG
- Update ZuneARC Config
- New Skins for Murks
- New Datatypes BMP, TGA
- New Themes for Wanderer
- New Descriptor (Datatypes)
- 8 New Icons DualPNG Button AmiStart
- DTConv
- DTConvertGui
- BMP.datatype
- TGA.datatypes
- ICO.datatypes
- UnDeleteSFS
- UnDeletePFS
- New GRUB background
- Applications
- SidDump 1.08
- AmigaKeyRemaper v1.1
- GarshneBlanker v3.9
- RNOEffects v1.3
- DiskValid GUI v1.0
- GarshneBlanker v39.2
- TCPPrefs v1.0
- RNOPublisher v1.0
- Acuario 2020
- ViewISO v1.1
- ZapHod v1.3
- MCC TextEditor v15.56
- RNOArchive v1.0
- RapaGUI v2.1
- 4KLive v0.7
- RunInDOSBox r1
- RMan v3.2
- RTF2HTML v3.97
- GrafX2 2.7.2978
- GTuner v0.41
- AmiNote v0.1
- ZuneARC v1.6
- ModExplorer v3.81
- ModExplorerCE v3.80
- Bin2ISO
- DTConv
- Daysleeper v0.9
- AIDEa v04/03/21
- Murks vO.6
- GCC v6.3.0
- MUIBase v4.4
- IconClone v1.0.7
- PerCIMan v0.7.4
- InstallerLG v1.0
- Vim v8.2.4370
- Multiview v1.8 by Miker
- VindentiumPicta v2.50
- SilkRAW v1.3
- Aget v0.64
- HollywoodPlayer v9.1
- Crono v2.2
- Games
- Hle Poker Card
- BlackjuanPokerCard
- Atomiks
- Breaker
- SYASokoban
- Pipewalker
- SieteYMedia
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 05. Jun. 2022, 09:54] [Comments: 0]
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