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Demo party: Revision 2022
Revision " is the world’s biggest pure Demoscene event", according to the organizers. This year's edition will take place from April 15 to 18, 2022. A dedicated website has now been launched online. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event will be streamed live, but the organizers are in the process of organizing smaller 'satellite events' that will allow people to experience the event live on a smaller scale in community. Currently, events are planned in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and the UK. As always, there will be lectures and competitions, the related organization is underway. Those who want to participate in the Amiga demo contest must meet the following conditions:
  • Amiga AGA: Amiga 1200, 68060/66Mhz with 64MB RAM and OS 3.1 (original C= version), latest AHI and phase5/DCE 68060.library, SetPatch v43.6. PPC Amigas and Vampire/Apollo or other FPGA accelerators may take part in 'Wild Compo'.
  • Amiga ECS/OCS: Standard Amiga 500, 512K chip and 512K slow RAM, Kickstart 1.3.
For the productions the following rules apply:
  • Demo: Maximum size is 20MB (20971520 Bytes), as zip, lha, or lzh file. Maximum running time: 8 minutes including loading/precalc.
  • Intro: Maximum size is 65536 Bytes für die ausführbare Datei. Maximum running time: 8 minutes including loading/precalc.
The detailed description can be found on the Amiga Competitions page. (dr)

[News message: 06. Mar. 2022, 06:29] [Comments: 0]
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