Looking for demand: Zorro II/III graphics card with SAGA
At the title link, in the forum of a1k.org, Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo team) is looking for interest in a graphics card based on the FPGA chipset of the Vampire turbo cards for Amigas with Zorro II or Zorro III slots. In prospect are the known SAGA graphics modes including a full HD resolution at 60 hertz and the new SAGA 3D functions, video acceleration, 16-bit audio and inclusion of the Amiga video signal for HDMI output.
Since the drivers (P96/AHI) were already available and practically all other components were also at hand, the project could be completed relatively quickly if there was sufficient interest to buy one - allegedly even as early as this summer. (snx)
[News message: 16. Jan. 2022, 08:09] [Comments: 0]
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