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Retro Commodore

PDF manual: 'ROM Kernel Reference Manual' for AmigaOS 3.2
The 'ROM Kernel Reference Manual' for AmigaOS 3.2, written by Camilla Boemann and Jason Stead, is updated continuously and is oriented to the 'Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manuals' from the 80s written by Robert Peck.

This book aims to represent all programming topics of the Amiga operating system since release 2 up to 3.2. The challenge is to cover features that are 30 years old as well as things that would only be added in the last few years. The authors write the following about this:

"This book is initially published as a PDF as it is more important to get the information out quickly than for it to be complete. Over time it will be improved and more information will be added. Thus initially you may find several topics lacking, but please keep an eye out for updates. This book is meant to help you expand your knowledge of programming the Amiga. It assumes you have previous experience with programming the Amiga, and it all but assumes you have all the books in the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual series. Like the books in that series a knowledge of the C programming language is not required, but will make it much easier to understand the material in this book." (dr)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2022, 07:16] [Comments: 0]
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