Graphics card: Status update on the ZZ9000
In 2018 the ZZ9000 as the successor of the FPGA-based and open source Zorro II/III compatible graphics board MNT VA2000 could be preordered. The ZZ9000 combines a RTG graphics board, AGA scandoubler and network card equipped with two 666-MHz-ARM coprocessors for applications demanding high processing power like accelerated graphic rendering or JPEG and MP3 decoding. Besides, an USB port provides support for USB mass storages.
Now on the product site the following statement was published: "Due to the global chip shortage, we have decided to stop selling ZZ9000 temporarily. We have preordered all necessary parts to build and ship all existing orders. The current shipping target for 92% of existing orders is January 2022 and the rest in March 2022. Thank you for your patience and support." (dr)
[News message: 14. Nov. 2021, 07:21] [Comments: 0]
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