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AMIGAworld (Twitter)

GitHub project: Amiga 4000 accelerator board 'Z3660'
On GitHub the developer 'shanshe' has started a project for the Amiga 4000 accelerator board 'Z3660' which is based on John "Chucky" Hertell's A3660 board as well as the Z-turn Board. In contrast to the A3660 (currently) only 060 CPU are supported. If Z-turn FPGA is not used, then you get a simple A3660. The only difference is that all A3660 PLDs are replaced by a XC95144XL-TQ144 CPLD. If you use a Z-turn FPGA, then you can add 128 MB of CPU RAM (more RAM, RTG, AHI, USB, SCSI are planned in the future). (dr)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2021, 07:24] [Comments: 0]
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