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AmiWest: Announcements of A-EON/Amigakit
Matthew Leaman (Amigakit, A-EON), Trevor Dickinson (A-EON), and Steven Solie (ExecSG) are not attending AmiWest in person, but will be talking about A-EON and Amigakit's projects and products in a live-streamed video conference. Most of the points addressed can be seen in the screenshots of the respective presentation below, but we have briefly summarized some additional points addressed:
  • New versions of Enhancer and DvPlayer are available now (see screenshots)
  • Matthew Leaman talks about Enhancer Release V54 - the in-house OS project, which he consistently calls a "distribution": It is installed on its own partition without changing the AmigaOS 4 partition - many users had wished for this. The user could then choose during the boot process whether to start Enhancer Release V54 or AmigaOS 4.
  • Hans de Ruiter is working on "NovaBridge", a Warp3D driver that does not access the hardware but Warp 3D Nova. This makes it possible to run old Warp3D titles - WipeOut 2097 is shown - on modern graphics cards for which no W3D driver exists.
  • Dickinson shows screenshots of AmigaOS 4.1 on the latest revision of the A1222plus motherboard and describes the current state of work. He does not want to give an estimate when the motherboards might be available.
  • Dickinson wanted to present a "video demo" of the long announced LibreOffice port, but due to a "hardware mishap" of the responsible developer the video did not materialize.
  • Andy Broad is working on an OS4 port of ImageFX


[News message: 17. Oct. 2021, 02:27] [Comments: 0]
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