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Programming: 'Rust'-Support for Motorola 68000 announced
As Golem reports, the Rust programming language has received experimental support for the Motorola 68000 CPU architecture and processor family for the first time, thanks to a LLVM port. The associated code has been contributed to the main branch of the language's open source repository.

Golem further points out, "Currently, the Rust port to the M68k architecture is still considered experimental and is arguably not complete. In addition, the compiler test suite is not tested by default and the team makes few guarantees that the port will work. For native builds, those involved currently recommend using Debian's M68k port in the documentation, as well as old machines with the CPU such as the Atari or Amiga.

Supported and mainly supervised the work on the LLVM port to the processor architecture, which is now about 40 years old, by a small team of volunteers. The most important goal of the work here is to support the retro computing scene with the work on the compiler. So, together with the Rust port, it will be possible in the future to run other modern software written in Rust on the cherished old computers." (dr)

[News message: 01. Oct. 2021, 08:36] [Comments: 0]
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