Dungeon Crawler: 'Blade' released
Mark Sheeky originally released his game in 1996 and wrote:
"Blade was my 20th, last, and most ambitious game for Amiga; an expanded, isometric sequel to my Roguelike game Hilt. The game took over a year to develop and was signed to be published by a troubled company named Alive Mediasoft. The game was released without my consent and I received nothing. Unable to take matters further in these moribund years of the Amiga, I released the game for free.
Supplied in ADF format for use with Amiga emulators, and in RP9 format for use with Cloanto's Amiga Forever and other RetroPlatform emulators. The game needs to be installed to a virtual Amiga hard drive, so the RP9 files contain a pre-installed version of Blade. The standalone intro sequence can be viewed separately from one of the discs." (dr)
[News message: 11. Sep. 2021, 20:20] [Comments: 0]
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