Atoms: A re-implementation of the Amiga game using web technologies
Already three years ago the programmer Thomas Pike reported on his website about the history and realization of his project: The re-implementation of the PD game 'Atoms' (YouTube video), originally released by Tom Kuhn, which was based on a Atari ST game, using web technologies. Say: The game can be played in the browser.
His re-implementation has some differences from the original: for example, the chain reactions and explosions are immediately visually visible. Likewise, in its implementation you can play against a computer opponent. On the other hand, the "elevator intromusic" present in the original is missing here.
After a three-year break, the author has found some time to implement the change suggested by a comment on his game: The creation of an alternative color scheme to allow people with red-green vision problems to enjoy the game. When asked by Amiga-News, the author told us that in principle he also had network support on the agenda, but that this would involve a considerable amount of work, so that a realization was rather unlikely. He does not exclude a realization of the music support, however, he is dependent on an mp3 file due to the limitations of the web technologies. However, he lacks both the original music file and a qualitatively adequate mp3 variant. Reason enough for us to start a short search. We found the required information and finally data in a blog entry of the website Computer Related Nonsense. Just as quickly, the author then added that music component to his implementation today.
Since HTML5 and CSS were used for its implementation, a modern browser is required to play. Consequently, all our tests to get the game running in a browser under AmigaOS 4.1 failed (IBrowse, NetSurf, Odyssey). Only under MorphOS with Wayfarer the game could be started successfully (OWB also failed).
The source code of the project is available on the associated GitHub page. (dr)
[News message: 01. Sep. 2021, 21:20] [Comments: 1 - 02. Sep. 2021, 22:00]
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