Andreas Winkler (ANF)
Webstore for different Amiga adapters
Andreas Winkler has established a little webstore for different Amiga adapters. He wrote:
"I recently set up a small webshop for my various Amiga products, which can be reached under the domain Taiwanrider.com. This step results from the increasingly complicated business and selling conditions on ebay.com, where my adapters are relatively popular. The webshop allows for a more straightforward and better focused selling environment.
Items for sale include my popular adapters for the Amiga 500's expansion port, flexible CPU relocators, and various floppy drive adapters.
Shipping is possible worldwide. However, there are currently some restrictions due to the international shipping situation. As soon as changes in shipping options are made by Taiwan Post, I will adjust this in the webshop." (dr)
[News message: 30. Aug. 2021, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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