Alain Fontanin
Text editor: Amiga Source Editor 1.52 (update)
By releasing version 1.2 (2019), at the end of the last year Alain Fontanin has resumed the development of his "Amiga Source Editor" (ASE) which originally started in 1989.
The author constantly develops his text editor further and now has released version 1.51 with the following changes:
- Compiled with SAS/C 6.58
- Use of the locale library for language-specific and country-specific properties (date and time) and catalogs for the localized version (english in the code, french and german as catalogs). The source file to generate the catalogs (ASE2019.cs with SimpleCat) is in the release
- Use of the gadtools library for menus and gadgets
- Reentrance mechanism, based on Arexx script to avoid having multiple instances of ASE2019 in memory
- Replacement of obsolete functions
- Ability to handle differents 'EOL' characters
- Significant improvement in the reading speed of a document
- Ability to create and manage document backups
- Improve configuration of ASE2019
- Improve tabs management : tab size from 1 to 10 and hard tabs
- Improve speed cancellation changes
- Integration of the Amiga clipboard
- First version (limited) of document comparison function
- Correction of the 'Delete content of the current line' function
- Correction of the 'Delete characters after cursor' function
- Correction of the 'Delete characters before cursor' function
- New functions 'Delete word before/after cursor'
- New configuration of the 'DEL' & 'BACKSPACE' keys;refer to 'Shortcuts' section, of the documentation for more information
- Removal of the 'Lorem Ipsum' function
- Correct version of the 'ASE2019.cs' localization file
Meanwhile version 1.52 is available which fixes a bug in the English menu.
Download: ASE2019_1.52.lha (134 KB) (dr)
[News message: 01. Aug. 2021, 07:33] [Comments: 1 - 03. Aug. 2021, 07:39]
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