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AmigaOS 4: MediaVault 1.2.0
MediaVault is an open source desktop application for AmigaOS 4 that can be used to stream online radio stations. An external player like AmigaAmp is needed. It is planned to create egine favorite lists with Mediavault and also to be able to retrieve podcasts. The program needs the oo.library v1.13 and the jansson.library v2.12.1.

The author George 'walkero' Sokianos has now released version 1.2.0, which includes the following changes:
  • New:
    • Added Unicode conversion to system charset on radio station names - Thanks to Daniel "trixie" Jedlicka
    • Now the application registers properly and can get requests from other apps, like Exchanger - Thanks to Daniel "trixie" Jedlicka
    • Now the MediaVault can jump to different screens - Thanks to Daniel "trixie" Jedlicka
    • Added better error manipulation when there were API response errors - Thanks to Daniel "trixie" Jedlicka
    • Now the size and the position of the window can be saved by the Popup Gadget - Thanks to Daniel "trixie" Jedlicka

  • Changes:
    • Added code to detach the listbrowser before change it's data. That's the way it should be done
    • Restructured code to reduce the duplicated code in radiofuncs.c. Now, one method is used instead of three separated that had pretty much the same code. Better code, less problems.
    • A lot of refactoring, removing global variables.
    • Reduced a lot of duplicated code.
    • Now the default radio station number increased to 50. The response is also much faster - Thanks to Tuomas Hokka and oo.library 1.13 fixes
    • Changed the way classes and gadgets are initiallized - Thanks to Daniel "trixie" Jedlicka
    (dr) (Translation: bb)

    [News message: 28. May. 2021, 06:23] [Comments: 0]
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