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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Hollywood APK Compiler 3.3 and Remedios 1.1 released
Press release: Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to announce the immediate availability of Hollywood APK Compiler 3.3 and Remedios 1.1. The Hollywood APK Compiler is an add-on for Hollywood that allows you to compile your Hollywood scripts into stand-alone APKs for Android, ready to be distributed via the Play Store! Remedios does the same for iOS, i.e. it compiles your Hollywood scripts into app bundles ready to be run on iOS devices like the iPhone or iPad. The Hollywood APK Compiler requires an x64 Windows system and Remedios requires a macOS system.

The major new feature in Hollywood APK Compiler 3.3 and Remedios 1.1 is support for Hollywood 9. Both programs support the full Hollywood 9.0 command set and runtime now. Furthermore, Remedios 1.1 adds support for Xcode 12 and Hollywood APK Compiler 3.3 adds support for Android Studio 4.1.

The updates are available free of charge for all existing customers and can be downloaded from the restricted download area. Note, however, that both programs require Hollywood 9 now. (dr) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Apr. 2021, 06:05] [Comments: 0]
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