E-Mail client: YAM supports AmiSSL 4.7 / moved to GitHub
About seven years ago we reported about an update of the e-Mail program YAM last time. At the beginning of the year 2019 by updating AmiSSL to version 4.3 it was possible again to check e-mails from diverse providers. For that you have to switch to the developer version of YAM which has been monthly updated by Nightly Builds. After a month you had to install the new version since each version was limited for a period of one month. Apart from that, the changelog always stayed the same: "This is only a rebuild of YAM with no functionaly changes but updated expiration date."
By releasing the last Nightly Build, this limitation has been removed. And if you try to access the YAM homepage yam.ch you are forwarded to the GitHub site.
Apart from that YAM can use the latest version 4.7 of AmiSSL. Since version 4.4 the encryption software for network and internet communication is maintained by a team of the IBrowse developer Oliver Roberts and ensures that even at the Amiga encrypted Internet connection can be established. Mainly 68k Amigas generally benefit from optimized versions for 68020-40 and 68060 processors, but 68060 processors in particular (amiga-news.de reported).
We could not figure out how intensively YAM is being developed. For example it is not clear if the target set in 2016 to implement a IMAP download is continued to pursue. The source code of YAM is available on GitHub so everybode who is able and interested in developing further YAM can help.
(dr) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Jan. 2021, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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