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Aminet uploads until 09.01.2021
The following files have been added until 09.01.2021 to Aminet:
yWeather.lha             comm/misc  229K  MOS Show weather infos in screenbar
SMB-ConnectItaCat.lha    comm/tcp   12K       Italian catalog for SMB-Conne...
exomizer.lha             dev/cross  829K  MOS A cruncher for 6502/Z80/6809 ...
MuForce.lha              dev/debug  293K  68k V40 Enforcer, detects illegal...
NoMoreDiv0_Debug.lha     dev/debug  19K   68k Division by Zero Debugger
OsGrind.lha              dev/debug  28K   68k Configurable Os argument checker
EasyRapa.lha             dev/hwood  7.6M  MOS generate RapaGui simple app s...
REDPILLGameCreator.lha   dev/misc   2.1M  68k Game Creator with AGA support
pig.i386-aros.lha        game/jump  1.5M  x86 Retro style platform game (SDL)
fop.i386-aros.lha        game/role  692K  x86 multi-player dungeon-crawling...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.3M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.6M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   4.7M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
ami-markdown.lha         text/edit  635K  OS4 Edit and view Markdown documents
SmartClipboard_sbar.lha  util/app   229K  MOS Define actions to act on clip...
NoMoreDiv0.lha           util/boot  13K   68k No more Division by Zero
DirTree-cmd.lha          util/cli   5K    68k Shell command displaying dire...
lgt.lha                  util/cli   5K    68k Turns on the light ;)
Match.lha                util/cli   14K   68k Match files in a directory hi...
MMULib.lha               util/libs  723K  68k Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
WHDLoadMenu.lha          util/misc  42K   68k A WHDLoad frontend
SysinfoBoards.lha        util/moni  14K   68k More Boardinfos for Sysinfo
ClipHandler.lha          util/shell 8K    68k access the clipboard on the s...
ViNCEdThemes.lha         util/shell 22K       ViNCEd Themes
AnalogClock.lha          util/time  38K   68k Analog transparent clock for ...
horloge.lha              util/time  735K  68k a fugly clock made using SDL
TimeIt.lha               util/time  4K    68k Shell command for timing othe...
AutoVisible_sbar.lha     util/wb    10K   MOS All sbars visible on AutoScro...

[News message: 10. Jan. 2021, 07:22] [Comments: 0]
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