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Aminet-Uploads until 16.05.2020
The following archives have been added to Aminet until May 16th, 2020:
Nutcrackers_Game_Menu... demo/intro 58K   68k game menu/intro by Nutcrackers
Pathetic_Demos_1.adf     demo/misc  880K  68k some old party demos by 'Path...
Pathetic_Demos_2.adf     demo/misc  880K  68k some old party demos by 'Path...
The_Zaphod_Collection... demo/misc  880K  68k Small demos by Chris 'Zaphod'...
The_Zaphod_Collection... demo/misc  880K  68k Small demos by Chris 'Zaphod'...
bytes.lha                dev/lib    27K   68k  string conversion library
redpillgamecreator.lha   dev/misc   1.8M  68k Game Creator with AGA support
Cybervision64_install... driver/vid 880K  68k CyberVision 64 install disk (...
AztecChallenge_E01_CD... game/actio 41M   68k Aztec Challenge Remake 1st Level
Shadow_3rd_Moon_1.5.lha  game/actio 238K  68k Shadow of the 3rd Moon update...
Uropa_2_v32Update.lha    game/actio 153K  68k Update Vulcan's Uropa 2 to ve...
Uropa_2_v33Update.lha    game/actio 13K   68k Update Vulcan's Uropa 2 to ve...
Africa.lha               game/board 294K  68k Conversion of 3W board game
Africa-OS4.lha           game/board 349K  OS4 Conversion of 3W board game
LCD_Dreams.adf           game/misc  880K  68k Ports of 4 Game&Watch LCD gam...
DonkeyKong_AROSx86.lha   game/wb    2.9M  x86 LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_MOS.lha       game/wb    2.8M  MOS LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_OS3.lha       game/wb    2.8M  68k LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_OS4.lha       game/wb    3.2M  OS4 LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_WOS.lha       game/wb    3.1M  WOS LCD game conversion
AsciiMandelbrot.lha      gfx/fract  204K  MOS Bench a Mandelbrot set in a c...
FlashMandelNG_OS4.lha    gfx/fract  11M   OS4 Mandelbrot & Julia fractals AOS4
VideoEasel.lha           gfx/misc   1.8M  68k THE flexible Cellular Automaton
PoligoniRegolari.lha     gfx/show   20K   68k Draw regular poligons with 3-...
RNOPDF_ECS-AGA.lha       gfx/show   9.0M  68k Compact PDF viewer
ACE-MorphOS.lha          misc/emu   1.7M  MOS Amstrad CPC/CPC+ Emulator
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.7M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
SamplesMaster.lha        mus/edit   109K  68k Creates IFF and RAW samples (...
tlu-AmigAtari_Icon_Pa... pix/icon   20K   68k Icon Pack for AmigAtari Demo
Morpheus_1.74.lha        text/dtp   2.7M  MOS Word processor
annotate_pascal_synta... text/edit  1.5M      Annotate v3: Pascal Syntax Hi...
Reformat.lha             text/misc  14K   68k Adjusts text file line width ...
MCAmiga.lha              util/dir   1.1M  MOS MyCommander for Amiga
WarpBMPdt.lha            util/dtype 72K   WOS Windows BMP datatype V45.8
WarpJPEGdt.lha           util/dtype 331K  WOS JFIF-JPEG datatype V45.15
WarpPCXdt.lha            util/dtype 66K   WOS ZSoft PCX datatype V45.6
WarpPNGdt.lha            util/dtype 160K  WOS PNG image datatype V45.23
WarpPSDdt.lha            util/dtype 70K   WOS Adobe Photoshop® datatype V45.6
WarpTIFFdt.lha           util/dtype 546K  WOS TIFF and BigTIFF image dataty...
tz.lha                   util/time  499K  68k Timezone Database & Library
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 17. May. 2020, 06:51] [Comments: 0]
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