Christopher Follett (E-Mail)
Amigakit: 8-MB-RAM expansion for A1200
Amigakit offers a 8MB Fast RAM memory expansion for the Amiga 1200. Additional to the 8 MB Fast RAM the card provides a socket for installing a math coprocessor, "features a Real Time Clock header to install an optional Real Time Clock module" (availalbe for a special discount) as well as a second "second clockport header to give computer more expandability". The memory can be limited to 4 or 5,5 MB by using a "software patch added to startup-sequence" for using PCMCIA cards.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 16. Mar. 2020, 22:14] [Comments: 1 - 17. Mar. 2020, 19:00]
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