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nördli (ANF)

Amiga comeback: Game developer and mailorder publisher 'Mutation Software'
The programmer Adrian Cummings is going to reactivate his old label 'Mutation Software' which in the 90ies he used to release and sell some games for the Amiga and PC. Now new editions of three former games are planned.

Tin Toy Adventure, Tommy Gun and Castle Kingdoms will be available again in spring - all of them in a box in a limited edition inclusive an autograph of the developer. For autumn a new platform game "Wiz" has been announced.

At the beginning of the year Cummings has released the assembler sourcecode of his game Cyberpunks originally published by Core Design as well as an archive with several graphics. Due to a hard disk failure the source code is slightly damaged at two points. Besides some informationen on level data are missing.

Downloads: (100 KB) (1 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2020, 01:09] [Comments: 0]
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