AmiWest 2019: Pictures and videos (3rd Update)
In this news item, which will be updated, we are collecting links to pictures and videos documenting the AmiWest 2019 taking place this weekend in Sacramento.
- Developer conference, Kick off: Steven Solie speaking about ExecSG for the Amiga OS 4.1, filmed by Bernardo
- Developer conference, Follow-up of Steven Solie's speech on ExecSG, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Developer conference, Mark Ritters speaking about his text editor Struct, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Developer conference, Steven Solie summarizes the first day, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Developer conference, Tony Wyatt speaking about about programming graphic drivers for Amiga OS 4.1, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Developer conference, 2nd hour of the second day, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Developer conference, 3rd hour of the second day, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Presentation of Ron Nicholson one of the original developers of the Amiga, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Doug Compton speaking about his Amiga Art Contest 2019, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Doug Compton's second speech, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Alex Perez's speech about FloppyHaus and A.L.I.C.E, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Trevor Dickinson's speech about his AmigaOne plans, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Steven Solie's speech about ExecSG, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Tony Wyatt's speech, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- ExecSG questions answered by Trevor Dickinson and Steven Solie, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- Mike Battilana's speech, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- AmiWest 2019 banquet, filmed by Robert Bernardo
- AmiWest website listing the live streams of the event provided by Robert Bernardo
2nd Update: (19:50, 31.10.19, snx)
Video of questions and answers regarding ExecSG added.
3rd Update: (08:50, 17.11.19, snx)
Further videos added: Second and third hour of second day of the Developer conference, the banquet and the speech of Mike Battilana. (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Oct. 2019, 10:41] [Comments: 3 - 17. Nov. 2019, 09:05]
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