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amigaworld (Webseite)

Trevor Dickinson announces acquisition of AmigaOS 4 kernel 'Exec SG' (Update 2)
It's been an open secret for quite some time, now Trevor Dickinson officially announces the acquisition of 'Exec SG', the kernel used in AmigaOS 4. For some reason the news appeared in a blog posting on the Amiwest website, an Amiga meeting taking place in Sacramento (USA) this weekend, instead of a regular press release.

Press release: The Exec SG kernal is under development! Now the exclusive property of Trevor Dickinson, the Exec SG kernal is being extended and tested by a team of well-qualified developers.

Led by Exec SG Team Lead Steven Solie, the new kernal adds support for many features AmigaOS doesn't have. Among these are mutli-core support, GART implementation, faster speed, 64-bit support, and extending the RAM limit beyond 2 GB to 4 GB and beyond.

Even with all these advantages, the Exec SG kernal retains 100% compatibility compared to the former kernal version. This is true because these are extensions to the existing kernal incorporating the original work of Carl Sassenrath and the AmigaOS team in 1985 as well as the work of others since then.

So more Amiga magic is in store. What will it run on? Be sure you have an OS4.x machine to take advantage of these new features. Come to AmiWest to find out about when the next new machine will be introduced.

Update: (23.10.2019, 14:45, cg)

Matthew Leaman states on that he's (also) the Managing Director of A-EON Technology Ltd. and as such can "can categorically state that A-EON has not acquired ExecSG and the information being referenced is not correct." The press release on the Amiwest site has not been changed or removed though, 24 hours after it went online.

Update 2: (24.10.2019, 14:15, cg)

According to a posting on from Steven Solie, the claim that Exec SG was acquired by A-EON Technologies was a mistake on the part of the Amiwest blog author, Exec SG was acquired by Trevor Dickinson privately, not by A-EON. Shortly after that statement, the blog posting got updated accordingly. (cg)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2019, 15:41] [Comments: 0]
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