Amiga34: Announcements, videos and further pictures (Update)
In this news item we want to summarize all other news additional to the MorphOS for x64 as well as some further pictures completing the ones from yesterday.
In his speech Trevor Dickinson (A-Eon Technology) has announced an "Early-Adopter-Edition" of the AmigaOne 1222 which is based on the Tabor board (picture).
The price, including an "Early-Adopter" version of AmigaOS-4.1, for the Tabor board is supposed to be 400 Euro which corresponds to the announcement three years ago - but it is nether clear if this price includes VAT nor when it can be preordered. It is also not known what kind of limitations this version, compared to the final AmigaOS-4.1 version, will have. In spring the audio driver was still missing and the SATA driver had to be "polished". According to the comment of the visitor 'Skateman', all components of the Early-Adopter-AmigaOne-1222 are supposed to be working.
The new accelerator board Warp 1260 was presented together with the Warp 560 and further details explained: The board will be equipped with 256 MB Fast-RAM but which - similar to most of the 68060 extensions - operates only in the 68040 compatible bus mode, that means at half clock speed. Basically the DDR3-RAM is clocked with 800 MHz and connected to the 68060 processor via FPGA. The price will be 499 Euro, without processor. It has to be delivered by the purchaser.
Hyperion presented a beta version of Libre Office 5 which is ported by Hans-Jörg Frieden. Further information are not available so far.
Amiga34 impressions:
Update (06:11, 15.10.19, snx)
ZDF TV report video link added. (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 14. Oct. 2019, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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