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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AROS distribution: Icaros 64 V0.0.0 pre-alpha
Paolo Besser has written under the title link about the 64-bit version of his Icaros Desktop: "Yes, you've read it right. It's time to enter the 64-bit Amiga era by the front door, taking advantage of modern x86-64 processors like Core and Ryzen. But beware: this is pre-alpha, un-stable, un-finished, un-reliable software. It's good to see it in action, to check what's working and what's not, to get familiar with latest AROS development, but it's definitely no good yet for everyday's use (which also means that if you didn't consider 32-bit Icaros Desktop ready for this scope... well, this is even worse)." (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2019, 09:11] [Comments: 0]
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