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Commercial "Bruce Lee" clone: Tiger Claw available
Tiger Claw developed by Matthias 'Lazycow' Bock is a clone of the 8-Bit classic Bruce Lee. You can order the game from the British publisher RGCD. It will be delivered at the beginning of 2019.

Tiger Claw requires an Amiga with at least one MB RAM. It is available as download (about 3,30 Euro) or on CD (16,70 Euro). The CD edition is delivered in a "plastic clam shell box" including the "auto-booting jewel-cased CD complete with a professionally printed 20-page A6 manual, large weather-proof vinyl RGCD and Lazycow stickers, RGCD and Lazycow pin buttons, postcards, practice throwing-star and a rolled 170gsm matt-coated A3 poster (with the game map on the reverse)." For additional 1,10 Euro you can also get a disk version. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Dec. 2018, 23:51] [Comments: 0]
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