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Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Belgium-based companies are required to register in Belgium's official company register (KBO, Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen) and to update their entry in that database if the company's address or key personnel changes. To keep the registration active, a company also has to file annual reports for each fiscal year with the "Central Balance Sheet Office" of the Belgian National Bank.

Hyperion Entertainment - the company responsible for the development of AmigaOS 4, that had temporarily been declared bankrupt in early 2015 - apparently failed to comply with the latter requirement by not filing any reports for the last three years. As a result, they were forcibly deleted from the KBO back in October. The change was announced in one of the October issues of Belgium's legal newsletter and can be verified in the online database of the KBO.

Hyperion still exists as an entity, but according to our research (automated translation of a Dutch explanation), having no active registration with the KBO severely restricts a company's ability to do business:
  • the company is banned from any commercial activities, i.e. selling goods or services
  • the company is currently unable to file any claims in a Belgian court: claims from unregistered entities are not admissible in Belgian courts
Hyperion can have the deletion from the registry annulled by supplying the missing annual reports to the Belgian National Bank. (cg)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2018, 18:07] [Comments: 1 - 20. Mar. 2018, 01:17]
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