a1k.org (ANF)
FPGA processor: 68080 is to licenced to hardware producers for free
Gunnar von Boehn offers to provide his reimplementation of a 68k processor calles 68080 to further hardware producers. Currently the Vampire accelerator boards ("Apollo Cores") are equipped with a 68080 which are available for A500/A600 and announced for the A1200. For the "big" Amigas so far nobody has offered such solutions.
von Boehns now offers that a hardware producer can licence a version of the 68080 for free which after booting the system is reduced to the speed of a real 68060 processor but apart from that has all the features of a 68080. This "Shareware output" of the CPU end users could turn off by purchasing a keycode.
If companies would use this offer, producers could again offer fast accelerator board for Amigas and Ataris despite the high prices resp. the unavailability of such boards. On the other hand, von Boehn could break into new markets because producers like Jens Schönfeld could offer boards for the Amiga3000/4000.
This offer is limited to the CPU of the Apollo Core. Other parts like SAGA or a chipset emulation are not included.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 06. Nov. 2017, 23:47] [Comments: 0]
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