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10.Jul.2016 (Webseite)

Jump'n Run: Vampire - Curse of the night
"Vampire: Curse of the Night" is a jump'n run game developed with Backbone. It has three levels each with a final enemy. In total 12 different enemies appears, for which some hundreds of animation frames have been drawn - the biggest enemy has 80 frames.

'Vampire' is available in three diffferent versions, either as ADF-image or as HD-archive: Additional to the final versions v2, there is also v2-speedup, from which the status panel was removed and thus has remarkably more speed. Besides, also the original release ("v1") is still available. This is not so much polished compared with the other version and has a shorter second level, but has instead a lower level of difficulty. All versions at least require a 68020-processor and 2 MB RAM.

Download: (230 KB)
Vampire-COTN_v2.adf (880 KB) (226 KB)
Vampire-COTN_v2speed.adf (880 KB) (207 KB)
Vampire-COTN_v1.adf (880 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jul. 2016, 16:50] [Comments: 0]
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