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Status update: FPGA graphic board MNT VA2000
On, Lukas 'mntmn' Hartmann summarized the current state of development of his FPGA-based graphic board VA2000 (we reported). Meanwhile the final prototype (photograph) is on the way to him. When the board has been received, he will start implementing a Z3-mode. Users, who have preordered the board, can choose between immediate delivery (current firmware) or delayed delivery (Z3-enhanced firmware).

As FPGA now the LX25 instead of the originally planned Spartan-6 LX9. Besides, there is also a socket board having 36 pins, which can be used for extensions.

The firmware currently supports 8, 16 and 32 Bit modes and can scale up the screen 2x or 4x. For the mouse pointer there is also a hardware sprite.

In order to avoid any legal issues, Hartmann has written his own P96-header and used them to develop a driver. He also is in contact with one of the former CGX authors, who is going to release a cleared Driver Development Kit for CybergraphX, but before needs to get an A3000/A4000.

The VA2000 is an open source project. All sources and documents are available in a Github repository under a free licence. Hartmann wants to thank all suporters and especially all those who preodererd a board. They are the reason to be motivated. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2016, 23:06] [Comments: 0]
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