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Alien Breed clone: Prototype of new "Chaos Guns" engine
Originally "Chaos Guns" was meant to be a multiplayer shooter, a mix of Alien Breed and Hired Guns. Two years ago, a first demo version was released. Shortly afterwards the only programmer did back out. According to the team in a blog entry, meanwhile for a new programmer was looked and the concept of the game was completely reconsidered and simplified.

The old engine Chaos Guns, which was written in the exotic language PowerD, was far too demanding for Amiga computers. Therefore the graphics have been reduced from 256 to 32 colours and a classic tile-base model used. The Multiplayer theme "had to go" but the functional inventory and items management was reworked.

In order to be able testing the changes, different prototypes have been developed. At first there were some internal versions created with the Windows-based Game Maker, now also a playable version for the Amiga was released using Backbone (Youtube video).

The Backbone prototyope is meant to demonstrate the concept of the game to prove "that a full game using Backbone IS possible". The proper game will be written in computer code, which the Slovakian programmer Jozef Tomka will do.

The prototype is available in three different versions which differ from the size of the section of the playfield. Version A features the biggest section of the playfield but does not run smoothly on a 68030.


ChaosGunsBBDemo.lha (7 MB) (all three versions)
ChaosGunsBBDemo-A.lha (2 MB) (biggest section of the playfield
ChaosGunsBBDemo-B.lha (2 MB)
ChaosGunsBBDemo-C.lha (2 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. May. 2016, 17:53] [Comments: 0]
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