Aminet-Uploads until 26.03.2016
The following archives have been added to Aminet until March 26th, 2016:
yWeather.lha comm/misc 308K MOS Show weather infos in screenbar
CDL-banished_wings.lha demo/intro 806K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-cube_1445.lha demo/intro 805K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-jigsaw_puzzle.lha demo/intro 806K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-patriarchs.lha demo/intro 807K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-primezator.lha demo/intro 806K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-pyspider.lha demo/intro 805K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-space_war.lha demo/intro 805K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
CDL-spaceball_2000.lha demo/intro 805K OS4 Simple "boot intro" in/for th...
BoingCube.lha demo/misc 2.6M OS4 Bouncing rotating boing cube ...
Saga.lha game/board 382K 68k Conversion of TSR boardgame
Saga-OS4.lha game/board 441K OS4 Conversion of TSR boardgame
TunnelsAndTrolls.lha game/role 11M 68k Implementation of Tunnels &am...
lazymines_mos.lha game/think 108K MOS The ULTIMATE minesweeper game
yahzee_mos.lha game/think 67K MOS Dice game
Barrzar.lha game/wb 32K 68k Create series of bars from to...
Xtrings.lha game/wb 33K 68k Align diagonanally same type ...
Colors.lha util/cli 4K OS4 Prints out a table with all C...
Colors-CLI-command.lha util/shell 4K OS4 Prints out a table with all C...
ShowFiles-sf.lha util/shell 36K OS4 Shows sorted & text-forma...
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Mar. 2016, 09:02] [Comments: 0]
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