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Google Drive-Handler: mount Google Drive storage under AmigaOS (Update 2)
Google Drive Handler is a DOS handler "allowing easy access to Your Google Drive storage." The handler was built with the latest version of OpenSSL.

Google Drive Handler is Shareware - "Without a licence key, the handler acts as a read only volume, and document exporting is disabled." It can be purchased for 10 Euro. Exporting documents is not working with certain file managers (Directory Opus is mentioned as an example) since the handler only learns the actual filesize during the export operation.

According to the author "this handler is still in an early stage of development, far from the mature state." A port for MorphOS has been announced.

Update: (2016-01-27, 18:15, cg) reader Dandy has asked the programmer Norbert Klett about his future plans regarding the Google Drive-Handler:

Dandy: In the 'Google Drive Handler'-readme you wrote that "Dropbox and Google Cloud Print are planned as well". Any idea how long I will still have to wait for Dropbox support?

Norbert Kett: DropBox handler is under development, my intent is to release it in next month.

Dandy: What will "Google Cloud Print" be? Will there be something comparable for Dropbox?

Norbert Kett: Google Cloud Print would be an easy printing solution for Amiga. You can print documents with drag&drop, and no printer driver is required. This is sort of network printing. As I know only Google offers this printing support at the moment. With one licence, you can use all my upcoming REST API based products on all Amiga like platforms without limitation.

Dandy: What does "REST API based products" mean?

Norbert Kett: REST API is an industry standard for app <-> server communication. It is getting more popular. Some services for example: Google Drive, Google Cloud Printing, DropBox, Microsoft One-Drive, Amazon Cloud, PayPal, Twitter, FaceBook, and many others.

Update: (28.01.2016, 17:15, cg)

Initially, our news item stated that the handler would list all files as having a size of 0 bytes, that's not correct: It actually lists an imaginary file size, since the real, unknown filesize might cause various problems. But some filemanagers are not compatible with the latter behaviour either, the author mentions Directory Opus as an example. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2016, 15:39] [Comments: 5 - 29. Jan. 2016, 16:38]
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