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23.Nov.2015 (Webseite)

AROS: FUSE file system bounty project finished
The project for implementing the FUSE API including a NTFS-driver for AROS/i386, donated with 524 US-Dollar, has been finished by Fredrik Wikstrom in this year's attempt.

Currently the FUSE-system has been not added to the AROS-builds, but can be downloaded. You can find information about the installation and usage on AROS-Exec.

Please note, that automounting is still not supported. How you can generate a mountlist using the HDToolBox, you can also learn in the thread on AROS-Exec.

The port of the ALSA audio driver for the Linux-hosted version for AROS has been almost finished by Krzysztof Śmiechowicz. Currently it is tested. You can still donate for the project.

Download: aros-filesysbox-ntfs3g.7z (207 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Nov. 2015, 06:23] [Comments: 0]
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