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AmigaOS 4: Directory Opus 4.18.44
In the lastest version of the file manager Directory Opus some minor bugs have been fixed.
  • Fixed directory sizes displayed in a lister when searching for a filename (or pattern) in multiple directories with the hunt command.
  • Fixed a hunt command failure to highlight the found file when the file was located in a subdirectory of the directory being searched. When the user selected the OK button in the "Shall I go there?" requester, the hunt command would display a requester stating that the file was not found but then load the directory where the file was located.
  • Fixed a crash in the Dopus4 text viewer. If Dopus4 was on the Workbench screen and the text viewer was open when the user quit the Dopus4 program, the viewer would crash (Grim Reaper).
  • Fixed a bug in Dopus_Print that prevented updating of the output filename in the requester.
  • Changed makefiles to create 'stabs' debug binaries and improve compiler output readability. All Dopus4 components will now display specific function information in a stack trace if there is a failure when running debug binaries.
  • Replaced all internal string functions and unbounded 'C' library string functions with size limited 'C' library string functions to eliminate possible buffer overflows.
  • Replaced all deprecated memory allocation functions with new OS4 memory allocation functions.
  • Replaced all deprecated message related functions with new OS4 functions.
  • Fixed all compiler warnings to make it easier to spot new warnings.
  • Added a missing Tooltype to the DirectoryOpus icon.
  • Changed the copyright data in about window.
  • Updated copyright data in english
  • Updated history files.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2015, 20:51] [Comments: 0]
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