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Poll: how many news items should be displayed on the front page?
The Amiga scene went through a lot of change in the last decade: it used to be an alternative desktop computer system with active users, now it's a hobby for retro enthusiasts and collectors. This had effects on both the amount of news items published by - it shrank from 10 to 15 items per day to just 3 or 4 per day - and the behaviour of our readers: many of them only check in every few days now.

While every reader could theoretically configure the front page to suit his needs, experience shows that most people simply use the default settings without ever changing them. That's why we would like to ask our users what their preferred configuration for the front page would be. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 20. May. 2015, 19:10] [Comments: 0]
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