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Web-finding: The contract between Amiga Corp. and Atari, 1983
At, a copy as well as scans of the contract are available which concluded Amiga Corp. and Atari. The startup Amiga urgently required additional financial resources to finish its development of the prototype named "Lorraine". Atari would secure its rights to the chips developed by Amiga to use them in its next computer generation.

The published excerpts concentrates on the planned features of Amigas' computer. Some interesting details are hidden in the contract: That the computer should be able to read Apple-disks and their texts. Additionally the programming languages "Lorraine BASIC" and FORTH should be included in the delivery of the computer equipped with 128 KB. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Apr. 2015, 20:13] [Comments: 0]
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