Trademark recycling: Android smartphones from 'Commodore Business Machines'
According to the Italian Wikipedia (automated translation) the "Commodore" trademark has been acquired by a Massimo Canigiani in 2014. If this is true or what "acquired" actually means is currently unknown to us. According to the EU trademark database, the relevant "Commodore" marks are still owned by Dutch Commodore Holdings B.V. There is a Commodore mark registered in Italy, but it's still assigned to ESCOM.
As Commodore Holdings is still defending the mark aggressively - the organisator of a Crowdfunding effort to reproduce the C64 II cases got a written warning recently - it's safe to assume the situation will become more clear soon.
At least Canigiani seems to be quite confident: He already incorporated a company called "Commodore Business Machines Ltd." in England. Using the official website and a Facebook page he's already advertising his first product: an Android based smartphone sporting a Commodore 'chickenhead' logo. (cg) (Translation: cg)
[News message: 06. Apr. 2015, 16:08] [Comments: 0]
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