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05.Apr.2015 jb (ANF) |
Forum: Moo Bunny announces preliminary closure (Update) After 18 years, Moo Bunny announced closure. The basically unmoderated forum had been appreciated especially by people who considered other websites to be biased in favour of only one of the different Amiga operating systems. Due to contuinued abuse of the granted freedom, John Shepard closed down Moo Bunny yesterday. Update: (07:40, 06.04.15, snx) In another message directed towards the Amiga section, John Shepard does not only repeat the final cause for the forum's closure, but also hints that Moo Bunny might be reactivated in the future: " Update: (07:40, 06.04.15, snx) In einer weiteren Mitteilung speziell die Amiga-Sektion betreffend wiederholt John Shepard nicht nur den Anlass, der das Fass zum Überlaufen brachte - den Betrieb eines Darknets durch Ausnutzung einer Sicherheitslücke in der Foren-Software -, sondern stellt auch in Aussicht, dass Moo Bunny nicht für immer geschlossen bleibt: "Moo Bunny Amiga Section [...] is still valuable enough that someone just tried to steal it. I think that means it's also valuable enough to not stay down forever." (snx) [News message: 05. Apr. 2015, 07:11] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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