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02.Apr.2015 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Commercial Warp3D driver for Radeon-HD cards
A-EON has announced the availability of Warp 3D drivers for für Radeon-HD graphic cards. They are not the drivers developed by the Frieden-brothers for Radeon-HD cards with Evergreen-chipset (just like the Radeon-HD 5450, built in the X1000 as standard) and announced for a long time, but the drivers developed by Hans de Ruiter and for Radeon cards with Southern Island-chipset.

The driver is named Warp 3D-SI and is ecklusively distributed via Amigakit's App-Store Amistore for 33 Euro. Additional to the Final Edition of AmigaOS 4.1, it requires the 2D graphic driver RadeonHD which is separately distributed as well as MiniGL 2.20.

Features of the driver:
  • supports Radeon HD 7750-7970 series graphics cards (excluding the Radeon HD 7790), Radeon R7 250X/265 (excluding R7 250), Radeon R9 270/270X/280/280X
  • Supports larger textures (up to 16384x16384 memory permitting)
  • Performance is less dependent on resolution than previous drivers, including rendering at HD resolutions
  • Submits vertices to the GPU via vertex buffers rather than directly in the command stream (one of the bottlenecks of the old Radeon drivers)
  • Uses the RadeonHD_RM.resource for VRAM allocation, providing more efficient memory management than own system
  • Accumulates small vertex arrays into larger buffers to provide faster performance where lots of tiny render operations are performed
  • Doesn't lock the entire graphics system between 3D_LockHardware() / W3D_UnlockHardware(), so an application or game crash is less likely to freeze the entire system
Simultaneously with the new Warp3D-drivers, updates for both versions of the 2D-driver RadeonHD have been released on Amistore. The updates to version 1.4 and 2.7 are free available for registered users.

According to Amigakit, the work on "Warp3D Evergreen" driver is ongoing and making good progress. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2015, 01:46] [Comments: 0]
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