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21.Jan.2015 (ANF)

Event: "Amiga 30 Years" in Amsterdam (27.06.2015)
In 2015 the Amiga celebrates its 30th anniversary. Initially an anniversary celebration was planned in the Heinz Nixdorf Forum, in Paderborn (Germany) which was supposed to be take place simultaneously with a similar event in USA. But Jens Schönfeld (Individual Computers) and his team have very little free time so the planning is not in an advanced stage.

For an event on June 27th in Amsterdam, a team of Dutch Amiga users have invited notable guests: Dave Haynie, David Pleasance (Commodore UK) as well as some former games developers (Christian Bartsch, István Fábián, Franck Sauer) have been announced.

The Kryoflux team will also attend the event and create disk images of disks brought along for free. Additionally there will be an exhibition as well as further interesting surprises which will be announced during the next weeks and months.

The team of the PPC-extension Ultimate PPC will be there as well and present its hardware - still it is not clear, what will be presented: On the website of the event it was written "the brand new Amiga expansion card released by its creators" while a post in a forum offers the prospect: "Talk to the developers, look at the card, touch it, smell it." (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2015, 00:16] [Comments: 0]
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