MorphOS: SimpleMail-MOS 1.01, a fork of SimpleMail (update)
"neoman" has compiled the mailer SimpleMail for MorphOS. He considers his programm as "fork" of the official SimpleMail-project, which will be separately developed. The first release uses OpenSSL instead of AmiSSL and thus supports all modern SSL/TSL protocol versions. Besides, a bug in the IMAP folder index implementation was fixed, "so huge IMAP accounts can be fetched now".
The author will add all updates of the original SimpleMail to his project and implement additional, specific MorphOS improvements.
Update: (27.10.14, 21:00, cg)
Meanwhile version 1.01 was released. "Self-signed certs can be validated permanently now" and "common root CAs are supported (Google Mail etc.)".
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Oct. 2014, 15:20] [Comments: 0]
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