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Linux: Kernel 3.13-rc7 for Sam4x0-boards and AmigaOne X1000
Version 3.13-rc7 of the Linux kernel is available for Sam440ep and Sam460ex boards as well as for the AmigaOne X1000. 'Spectre660' has created the versions for the ACube hardware, Christian "Xeno" Zigotzky, member of the "A-EON Core Linux Support Team", was responsible for the version of the X1000.
X1000-Kernel: vmlinux-3.17.0-rc7-KVM-PR-FTRACE-AmigaOneX1000.tar.bz2 (7,5 MB)
Sam440-Kernel: Sam440ep-3.17-rc7.tar.gz (11 MB)
Sam460-Kernel: Sam460ex-3.17-rc7.tar.gz (11 MB)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 01. Oct. 2014, 14:46] [Comments: 0]
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