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18.Jul.2014 (Forum)

Apollo-Core: Photograph of Phoenix prototype (Update)
Under the title link the developers of the Apollo-Core, which also is tested in the Vampire-600 accelerator board ( reported), have published a photograph of Rev. A of the Apollo-Phoenix-board.

Probably in the third quarter of this year this extension for existing systems with a 68000-processor will be available. It is put on the mainboard and is supposed to provide a higher speed and complete code-compatibility.

Additional to the Cyclone-V-FPGA, the Phoenix-board has 128 MB (DDR3, 800 MHz). The operating system can be copied into the RAM using the corresponding MapROM-functions. Further features are a SD-card as IDE-harddrive, HDMI video output (Truecolor) and a network port.

In Future an included flickerfixer/scandoubler (to connect an Amiga to a HDMI-TV), a Chip-RAM-extension and an AGA- (and later Super-AGA-) extension as well as Picasso96-drivers will be added.

Update: (18:32, 19.07.14, snx)
The complete extension consists of two cards. The FPGA module is shown on a second photo (below the Amiga 600 mainboard); how it is mounted on the Phoenix board is illustrated by an animation. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Jul. 2014, 12:30] [Comments: 0]
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