Amigaworld.net (Forum)
AROS: 68k-Distribution AROS Vision 2.6.1
In version 2.6.1 of his AROS/68k-distribution AROS Vision, Olaf Schönweiß uses MUI 3.8 instead of the AROS-implementation Zune (screenshot). Additionally, the MMU libraries and components as well as some files for developers (e.g. Pascal and AmiLua) have been updated.
Please note that some of the preferences only work with Zune, mainly Locale and Input. If you want to change these preferences, you can copy the Zune-version of the muimaster.library to Libs: and afterwards return to the original version (all required libraries are in the directory Libs:MUI_Change).
It is also recommended to install the Installer 43.3 of Amiga Technologies in directory C:.
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 12. Jun. 2014, 06:11] [Comments: 0]
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