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Sales figures: Entwickler-X satisfied with M.A.C.E. sales
During a discussion on, Thomas 'imagodespira' Claus of Entwickler-X has revealed some sales numbers for the recently released shooter M.A.C.E.: About 50 people purchased the download version which is available from the developers - this is about the same amount of sales they had with earlier projects.

Additionally M.A.C.E. was the first Entwickler-X release distributed on CD, about 130 copies at 10 Euros each were sold to various dealers. Claus can't say how many of these copies have already been sold on to end users, but he mentions "positive feedback from dealers". He describes the sales numbers as "pretty good, considering the size of the Amiga scene". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Sep. 2013, 13:20] [Comments: 0]
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